Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blog #5 Interiview with Sonia James Pennington Introspective Movement Project

Hello All,
 So sorry I have not been in touch recently I have just been so busy with the start of college! It's going well so I' am happy! I hope you guys enjoyed my interviews with Roger Lee, and Mayor Mayer on my YouTube Channel. I had a blast interviewing them. 

While attending Roger Lee's "The Fall" I met a wonderful women named Sonia James Pennington whose group had performed that night. She is owner and founder of Introspective Movement Project.. Below is the interview with this wonderful lady! She is truly bringing her gift of dance.

-Tell me a little about introspective dance project?  
 Introspective Movement Project is a Philadelphia- based contemporary jazz company, in its 2nd performance season.  How did it get started?   I decided about a year and a half ago that I was ready to start a new professional chapter and really want to see my work on more mature dancers, a new "canvas".  I have been teaching young dancers for 18 years, which has been extremely rewarding but I wanted to evolve my choreography even more. Who  is in it?  My company dancers are Natalia Baxter, Yattah Blanton, Stephanie King, Lance Love, Julianne Peterson, Melissa Stonkus, Brianna Suffy and Bria Walton, 

-How did you get started? As the founder, I understand you were a lawyer and found a passion for dancing? Do you have a dance background?  I was a competitive gymnast my entire life until I went to college at Rutgers. At that point, I was burnt out. I took a modern dance class at Mason Gross and fell in love!  It was an extremely easy transition that changed my life forever!  After that I took as many classes that I could afford at any possible place.  Choreographing came so naturally.  It just happened.  I saw stories and pictures in my head and started shaping, molding, painting  pictures with my students.
- How can someone audition for your team? I truly have had no additional auditions since my initial auditions in June of 2012.  My company's chemistry has really melded, which is so integral.  I am not necessarily looking for new or additional company members, but welcome dancers to forward their bio and resume to me.
- You have a big line of events in your past from the Welcome America to the Prince Theatre, which was your favorite and why?  Our Company Show at the Prince Music Theatre was the most incredible day of performances.  It was so fulfilling to see a dream become reality and to watch my many crazy ideas come alive before my very eyes!  It was absolutely amazing. The response from our audience was an even larger confirmation that the hours upon hours of rehearsals and planning was more than worth it.  I was truly moved by the audience's response., so surreal. 
- What advice can you give dancers today? to live in the moment, dance from within, don't be afraid to take steps of faith, think outside of the box, and when there is no opportunity to share your gifts and talents then make one!
- How can we learn more about Introspective dance project and keep up to date with them?? Please check out our website at We are also on Facebook- introspective movement project
Thank you so much folks for reading and keeping up with me. You don't even know how much your love and support means to me! Continue to check me out on here, on YouTube, and my website!! If you would like to be interviewed or know someone please email me at thank you so much guys!! Love, Love, Love to you all!!!

Ps. I have some auditions coming up for some professional theatre shows. If I make it in I am so excited to document some behind the scenes from it, and what goes on in a theatre and the process, and of course a backstage look!! So keep watching!!!

Rye My
"The Positive Newsmaker"


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