Hey Guys,
Hope everyone has been doing well and enjoying this weather outside! Let me apologize for not keeping up date, I have been so busy with auditions and school, and took a brief hiatus but now I am back and ready to GO! GO! GO!
My recent interview was with up and coming country star Payton Taylor. If you haven't heard of her you MUST check her out, she is one word.. AMAZING! She is also a dear friend of mine and we use to do community theatre together. The one thing I can say about this young lady is how much of a big heart she has for people. With her on the verge of becoming a superstar she hasn't forgotten what is important in life: Family, Friend Fans, and of course Fans.
She has not one mean bone in her body and that is something I admire about her, and one of the reasons I also did a piece on her!
I want to thank her for taking time out of her schedule to talk with me, she has been so supportive of my new project! I hope you all enjoy this interview and make sure you spread the word about Payton, who knows, maybe you will see her on the big screen soon! Keep up with her at www.paytontaylor.com
Hey Payton, Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer some questions! Where are you from and how did you get into country music? Did you grow up listening to a lot of music?
Payton: Hey Ryan! Thank you so much for interviewing me. I'm originally from the southern New Jersey town of Washington Township. I grew up around music. I was involved in my church choir and community theater for most of my childhood. It wasn't until 2009 when I made my first trip to Nashville that I discovered country music and fell love with it– It's culture, its people, and its way of life. I knew it was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
You certainly have been quite the busy bee, you have your debut album out called “Shine”, and your currently working on another one. What can we expect to hear on this album that is different from the first? Is there a release date?
Payton: I'm so thrilled to be working on my next album project. So much has changed since the release of my debut EP "Shine" in 2011. One of the biggest discoveries I made after the release of my first album was song writing. After two years of honing my craft as a songwriter, I'm happy to release my next project which will feature six original songs that I have written or co-written. I have a much deeper personal connection to all the songs on this project and I can't wait to share them. We released the first single of the upcoming project, "Small Town Paradise", at the 2013 CMA festival in Nashville Tennessee. "Small Town Paradise" was officially released to radio September 16th. Since the official radio release, I have been on a radio tour across the country promoting my song to new fans. The response has been great thus far, and the new project is tentatively set to release early spring of 2014
Recently you were invited to attend the CMA Festival how was that? What was it like? Did a lot of fans come out to it?
Payton: Having the CMA recognize me as an emerging artist at the 2014 CMA festival was an incredible honor. Over the three days of the festival, I had the opportunity to meet thousands of country music fans from all over the world. It was an amazing three days I'll never forget!
What do your sponsors do, like what is their role in helping you?
Payton: I'm fortunate to have several sponsors who believe in my music and support my career. Some provide funds to help defray the costs from touring, while others provide products in exchange for me promoting their company. I cannot thank Damon System Braces, Daisy Rock Guitars, Breedlove Guitars, LZ Boots, and Corello enough for believing in me.
I know that you went through a lot in middle school, and being bullied was something that you had to go through unfortunately. What work are you doing to help stop bullying?
Payton: I don't think I was the victim of an excessive amount of bullying. In fact I think everyone deals with some form bullying on different levels. I'm not part of any official anti-bullying campaign, but I dealt with bullying by surrounding myself with people that had similar interests and a small group of friends who were always very encouraging and supportive. I try to lead by example and I hope fans that deal with similar issues can find hope and inspiration in how I've dealt with it in the past.
What was the best advice you were ever given growing up?
Payton: I've been fortunate enough to have many mentors guiding my way during this entire journey. My producer, Lynn Nichols, told me one day in the studio "there is no shortcut to the finish line". He has shown me that to become successful, you must cut your teeth and pay your dues just like everyone else! Also, Randy Pausch quotes in his book (my favorite book) The Last Lecture, "The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people". Some days I feel like I hit a lot of brick walls, but that bit of advice always keeps me going.
What is it like being on tour? Do you have a lot of late nights? As a friend of yours I remember you saying that you were traveling in your tour bus named Gretchen, is Gretchen still a part of your life?
Payton: Being on tour is not glamorous as it seems! If we have late nights, they're not being spent out partying. Our late nights usually consist of loading out gear in the middle of the night and getting to sleep around 3 AM or even later! The entire band is jam packed into our 2004 Ford Windstar minivan. Gretchen, the back end of a Ford pick up, was our trusty trailer that we attached the back of our minivan. Gretchen attracted so much attention when we were driving down the road we wrote our name on the windows! Unfortunately, Gretchen bit to dust in the middle of the mountains in Virginia. I sure do miss her!
Would you ever consider doing any TV or Film work? Or are you content in music?
Payton: That's a good question! Right now, I have so many things to learn in music. I'm growing in so many ways; as a vocalist, as a songwriter, as a guitarist, and as a performer. Although doing some TV or film work isn't out of the question, I think I've got my hands full with music right now! (and I wouldn't have it any other way!)
Who is your role model that has inspired you to be who you are today?
Payton: Although I have always found new inspirations and role models as I have grown musically, I'd say my biggest role model of all has always been Dolly Parton. She's a one woman powerhouse with the voice of an angel! Dolly's beautiful song interpretation, song writing, business savvy, and genuineness are all qualities that I admire.
How can we keep in touch with you Payton, and follow what you’re up to?
Payton: Y'all can keep up in touch with me by going to my website paytontaylor.com and signing up for my email list! Also on the website, I've got links to my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube sites! I'd love to keep in touch with y'all!
Where does the inspiration come from when you are writing your songs?
Payton: I believe inspiration can really come from anything. Whether it's from a personal experience I've had, or whether it's from something I've observed throughout my life, I believe a song is like taking a picture of something you want to remember; it's a musical 'snapshot' of a moment or event you want to capture.
Will you be touring the country outside of Nashville anytime soon?
Payton: Our 2013 touring season is coming to a close. Our 2014 touring season is looking like we're going to be having more shows and even more cities! So, make sure you stay updated at www.paytontaylor.com!
Q: What advice can you give to performers who have hopes of making it big one day like you?
Payton:1. Be prepared to work, and work hard! Every minute of your day must be invested into bettering yourself to become whatever you hope to be.
2. Don't let competition make you feel intimidated. There will always be someone bigger, taller, stronger, or better than you. Instead of becoming discouraged, use it as inspiration to become the best that you can be!
3. In the words of my late grandfather, "be a mosquito!". In other words, do not take no for an answer. Keep pushing until you finally break through and NEVER give up.
4. Be nice to others. Life has a strange ways of working. Sometimes opportunities will lie in the most unlikely of places. I do believe in karma; if you give good; good will come back to you.
Well... There 'ya have it folks spoken from a true country gal herself! What an amazingly talented busy young lady she is! I was so honored she allowed me to ask her these questions. Make sure you spread the word and check her out.
PLEASE!!! Continue to check me out on my blog (here), my website, and YouTube, I am currently working on getting a Facebook and Twitter Page set up so I can commute easier with my followers! If you know someone who is doing good things, or if there is an event coming up that you want me to cover or do a story on, please let me know! Email me at thepositivenewsmaker@gmail.com
Thank You so much guys I appreciate all the support I have gotten from you all, it means the world!
Best Wishes,
xx Rye My
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Blog #5 Interiview with Sonia James Pennington Introspective Movement Project
Hello All,
So sorry I have not been in touch recently I have just been so busy with the start of college! It's going well so I' am happy! I hope you guys enjoyed my interviews with Roger Lee, and Mayor Mayer on my YouTube Channel. I had a blast interviewing them.
While attending Roger Lee's "The Fall" I met a wonderful women named Sonia James Pennington whose group had performed that night. She is owner and founder of Introspective Movement Project.. Below is the interview with this wonderful lady! She is truly bringing her gift of dance.
Thank you so much folks for reading and keeping up with me. You don't even know how much your love and support means to me! Continue to check me out on here, on YouTube, and my website!! If you would like to be interviewed or know someone please email me at thepositivenewsmaker@gmail.com thank you so much guys!! Love, Love, Love to you all!!!
Ps. I have some auditions coming up for some professional theatre shows. If I make it in I am so excited to document some behind the scenes from it, and what goes on in a theatre and the process, and of course a backstage look!! So keep watching!!!
Rye My
"The Positive Newsmaker"
YouTube: www.youtube.com/positivenewsmaker
Website: www.ryangmyers.com
Blog: www.thepositivenewsmaker.blogspot.com
So sorry I have not been in touch recently I have just been so busy with the start of college! It's going well so I' am happy! I hope you guys enjoyed my interviews with Roger Lee, and Mayor Mayer on my YouTube Channel. I had a blast interviewing them.
While attending Roger Lee's "The Fall" I met a wonderful women named Sonia James Pennington whose group had performed that night. She is owner and founder of Introspective Movement Project.. Below is the interview with this wonderful lady! She is truly bringing her gift of dance.
-Tell me a little about introspective dance project?
Introspective Movement Project is a Philadelphia- based contemporary jazz company, in its 2nd performance season. How did it get started? I decided about a year and a half ago that I was ready to start a new professional chapter and really want to see my work on more mature dancers, a new "canvas". I have been teaching young dancers for 18 years, which has been extremely rewarding but I wanted to evolve my choreography even more. Who is in it? My company dancers are Natalia Baxter, Yattah Blanton, Stephanie King, Lance Love, Julianne Peterson, Melissa Stonkus, Brianna Suffy and Bria Walton,
-How did you get started? As the founder, I understand you were a lawyer and found a passion for dancing? Do you have a dance background? I was a competitive gymnast my entire life until I went to college at Rutgers. At that point, I was burnt out. I took a modern dance class at Mason Gross and fell in love! It was an extremely easy transition that changed my life forever! After that I took as many classes that I could afford at any possible place. Choreographing came so naturally. It just happened. I saw stories and pictures in my head and started shaping, molding, painting pictures with my students.
- How can someone audition for your team? I truly have had no additional auditions since my initial auditions in June of 2012. My company's chemistry has really melded, which is so integral. I am not necessarily looking for new or additional company members, but welcome dancers to forward their bio and resume to me.
- You have a big line of events in your past from the Welcome America to the Prince Theatre, which was your favorite and why? Our Company Show at the Prince Music Theatre was the most incredible day of performances. It was so fulfilling to see a dream become reality and to watch my many crazy ideas come alive before my very eyes! It was absolutely amazing. The response from our audience was an even larger confirmation that the hours upon hours of rehearsals and planning was more than worth it. I was truly moved by the audience's response., so surreal.
__________________________________________________________________________________- What advice can you give dancers today? to live in the moment, dance from within, don't be afraid to take steps of faith, think outside of the box, and when there is no opportunity to share your gifts and talents then make one!- How can we learn more about Introspective dance project and keep up to date with them?? Please check out our website at www.introspectivemovementproject. com. We are also on Facebook- introspective movement project
Thank you so much folks for reading and keeping up with me. You don't even know how much your love and support means to me! Continue to check me out on here, on YouTube, and my website!! If you would like to be interviewed or know someone please email me at thepositivenewsmaker@gmail.com thank you so much guys!! Love, Love, Love to you all!!!
Ps. I have some auditions coming up for some professional theatre shows. If I make it in I am so excited to document some behind the scenes from it, and what goes on in a theatre and the process, and of course a backstage look!! So keep watching!!!
Rye My
"The Positive Newsmaker"
YouTube: www.youtube.com/positivenewsmaker
Website: www.ryangmyers.com
Blog: www.thepositivenewsmaker.blogspot.com
Monday, September 2, 2013
Blog #4 Young adults doing amazing things around us..Part:2
Hey Guys!! Welcome Back and thanks for reading another one of my blogs! I hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL Labor Day weekend, mine is going pretty well I start college on Wednesday which I am very excited for! :).. Anyway!
Todays blog is the second part to my last blog and this one is with Marissa Ionno! She was kind enough to tell me about her new project she started on Facebook called TAILS. Below is a little about the cause and what you can do to help! I am an animal lover so this really hit home!! :)
Marissa: So last July I started a page called The TAILS Network. TAILS stands for "Transforming An Innocent Life by Sharing". The majority of the animals I network are considered "urgent," meaning they only have a specified amount of time left before euthanasia. However, I'll share any animal that needs a home, regardless of if it's a dog, cat, horse, or pig. I believe that all animals deserve respect, love, and a caring home.
So far the network has helped save over 70 dogs and 1 cat! It's been way beyond what I had hoped for. When I started the page, I always said that even saving one life would make it all worth it... and here we are, a year later and we've helped save the lives of so many animals. I think if we all do our part- by sharing, educating, donating time and/or money, we will see such a difference.
I spend several hours a week on the page responding to posts, inboxes, emails, etc. I truly love interacting with our members because they all have such big hearts. They're all there for the same reason I am, to help save these babies' lives. So it's truly a pleasure talking with them on a daily basis.
She is such an inspiring young lady and has saved so many lives! Because of her there are animals alive today! You can find Marissa page TAILS on Facebook by going on and liking the page The TAILS Network! Thanks again for reading guys, and be sure to keep an eye out for my interview with Mayor Mayer of Gloucester Township. It will be my first interview video added to my YouTube.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and if your going back to school it starts smoothly for you!
Spread the Word!
Rye My "The Positive Newsmaker"
Check me out at the following:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/positivenewsmaker
Website: www.ryangmyers.com
Blog: www.thepositivenewsmaker.blogspot.com
Thanks guys and get the word out about my project, help me get discovered and change the world*
Todays blog is the second part to my last blog and this one is with Marissa Ionno! She was kind enough to tell me about her new project she started on Facebook called TAILS. Below is a little about the cause and what you can do to help! I am an animal lover so this really hit home!! :)
Marissa: So last July I started a page called The TAILS Network. TAILS stands for "Transforming An Innocent Life by Sharing". The majority of the animals I network are considered "urgent," meaning they only have a specified amount of time left before euthanasia. However, I'll share any animal that needs a home, regardless of if it's a dog, cat, horse, or pig. I believe that all animals deserve respect, love, and a caring home.
So far the network has helped save over 70 dogs and 1 cat! It's been way beyond what I had hoped for. When I started the page, I always said that even saving one life would make it all worth it... and here we are, a year later and we've helped save the lives of so many animals. I think if we all do our part- by sharing, educating, donating time and/or money, we will see such a difference.
I spend several hours a week on the page responding to posts, inboxes, emails, etc. I truly love interacting with our members because they all have such big hearts. They're all there for the same reason I am, to help save these babies' lives. So it's truly a pleasure talking with them on a daily basis.
She is such an inspiring young lady and has saved so many lives! Because of her there are animals alive today! You can find Marissa page TAILS on Facebook by going on and liking the page The TAILS Network! Thanks again for reading guys, and be sure to keep an eye out for my interview with Mayor Mayer of Gloucester Township. It will be my first interview video added to my YouTube.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and if your going back to school it starts smoothly for you!
Spread the Word!
Rye My "The Positive Newsmaker"
Check me out at the following:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/positivenewsmaker
Website: www.ryangmyers.com
Blog: www.thepositivenewsmaker.blogspot.com
Thanks guys and get the word out about my project, help me get discovered and change the world*
Friday, August 30, 2013
Blog #3 Young Adults doing amazing things around us: Part 1
Hey Guys!! Welcome Back and thanks for reading another one of my blogs! I hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL week, mine is going pretty well I start college next week which I am very excited for! :).. Anyway!
Todays blog postings come in two parts, part one is about a wonderful young woman and dear friend of mine named Francesca. The second part another local named Marissa who has started a Facebook page called TAILS.. I will be talking to her later this weekend! Here is part one with Francesca!
First, may I start off just saying how great of a young women Francesca is (or as some of her close friends call her "Chet"). I had the pleasure of attending high school with her and although I was a freshman when she was a senior she taught me SO MUCH! She has the biggest heart ever, and I will never forget some of the greatest advice she gave me for my high school career, she was always willing to help and never had a unkind word to say about anyone...that takes a lot! She has been through a lot these last few years but still finds time to help with charities. Her dream is to become a school teacher.
I was able to chat with Francesca over Facebook and she was very happy to tell me about all of her work, and when you read it I hope you are as moved as I was, she brings me to tears this girl!
Todays blog postings come in two parts, part one is about a wonderful young woman and dear friend of mine named Francesca. The second part another local named Marissa who has started a Facebook page called TAILS.. I will be talking to her later this weekend! Here is part one with Francesca!
First, may I start off just saying how great of a young women Francesca is (or as some of her close friends call her "Chet"). I had the pleasure of attending high school with her and although I was a freshman when she was a senior she taught me SO MUCH! She has the biggest heart ever, and I will never forget some of the greatest advice she gave me for my high school career, she was always willing to help and never had a unkind word to say about anyone...that takes a lot! She has been through a lot these last few years but still finds time to help with charities. Her dream is to become a school teacher.
I was able to chat with Francesca over Facebook and she was very happy to tell me about all of her work, and when you read it I hope you are as moved as I was, she brings me to tears this girl!
"Hey! So I do a couple things...Express does a charity every Christmas...usually we just collect donations for a women's shelter and no one participates. So last year, I decided to take it over and we did a toy drive for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. We collected all sorts of things from crayons to cameras and even a gaming chair. I told my store manager that we'd collect 100 toys, and through generous donations from employees and the community, we made it to 150 toys! They filled up a huge bin... I plan to do the same this year.
My aunt taught me how to sew and was involved with a quilting ministry in Texas. When i started college i decided that i would make a quilt and deliver it to a random person in a nursing home every Christmas Eve. I go to the long term care ward and ask for someone who doesn't really get many visitors. I visit with the person for about a half hour to an hour and then give him or her the quilt.
(Sorry just had to chime in for a second
guys and tell you my thoughts! This literally made me cry, I couldn't believe that she did this, God truly made her for something special, and the fact that she does it for no tangible reward like money or prizes is absolutely compelling!)
I work at Larc School in Bellmawr over the summer, which is a school for students with special needs. Every year, they have a run the bridge marathon and walk to raise funds. I've decided to train for the 10k run this year.
Another thing that you might be interested in hearing is something that happened to me at work. Long story short, I was ringing up a man i didn't know 2 years ago right before Christmas, and he bought me a $100 gift card to Express. This past Christmas, he came in the store again. I went up to him and thanked him again because I had not seen him since then, and he bought me another one. The funny thing is, it was right before Christmas both times, and his name was Nick. He was even wearing a red shirt the second time!"
I cannot even believe the things that she has accomplished and the work she is doing to make this world, and other peoples lives a better place! Especially the work with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) who have a special place in my heart as they are who saved my life as a child! The fact that she organized a lot of this all by herself and then got people to help is so awesome to!
I am so happy to share her with you guys, and I hope that with everyone reading this you decide to do something special for someone who is in need! I attached pictures of all the toys that were collected and the AMAZING banner Francesca made and decorated herself for her employees to see and help out with! She is truly somebody who is bringing and inspiring POSITIVITY to this whole world one step at time.
Thanks for reading, be updated again soon!
xx Love& Light
Rye My
Follow me on my Blog, YouTube, Wesbite, where you can learn more!
*If you know someone who is doing good, or is doing something fun and POSITIVE I want to hear about it, send me a message at ThePositveNewsMaker@gmail.com* :)
My aunt taught me how to sew and was involved with a quilting ministry in Texas. When i started college i decided that i would make a quilt and deliver it to a random person in a nursing home every Christmas Eve. I go to the long term care ward and ask for someone who doesn't really get many visitors. I visit with the person for about a half hour to an hour and then give him or her the quilt.
(Sorry just had to chime in for a second
guys and tell you my thoughts! This literally made me cry, I couldn't believe that she did this, God truly made her for something special, and the fact that she does it for no tangible reward like money or prizes is absolutely compelling!)

Another thing that you might be interested in hearing is something that happened to me at work. Long story short, I was ringing up a man i didn't know 2 years ago right before Christmas, and he bought me a $100 gift card to Express. This past Christmas, he came in the store again. I went up to him and thanked him again because I had not seen him since then, and he bought me another one. The funny thing is, it was right before Christmas both times, and his name was Nick. He was even wearing a red shirt the second time!"
I cannot even believe the things that she has accomplished and the work she is doing to make this world, and other peoples lives a better place! Especially the work with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) who have a special place in my heart as they are who saved my life as a child! The fact that she organized a lot of this all by herself and then got people to help is so awesome to!
I am so happy to share her with you guys, and I hope that with everyone reading this you decide to do something special for someone who is in need! I attached pictures of all the toys that were collected and the AMAZING banner Francesca made and decorated herself for her employees to see and help out with! She is truly somebody who is bringing and inspiring POSITIVITY to this whole world one step at time.
Thanks for reading, be updated again soon!
xx Love& Light
Rye My
Follow me on my Blog, YouTube, Wesbite, where you can learn more!
*If you know someone who is doing good, or is doing something fun and POSITIVE I want to hear about it, send me a message at ThePositveNewsMaker@gmail.com* :)
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Interview with: Roger Lee, Dancer and Business Owner.
This interview was conducted on August 25th, 2013 via Skype
I recently sat down with local dancer and business owner Roger Lee who
was kind enough to let me interview him via Skype. He is a great guy and has
such an amazing personality, and has achieved so much in his career. He owns
Roger Lee Dance Company which is located at 729 S. 4th Street
Philadelphia, PA which offers classes for people of all ages. Below is our
My: For people who don’t know Roger Lee, can you tell us about you? Where were you
born and raised? And how you got started dancing?
Roger Lee: I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA
and started dancing when I was 12 years old. It all started in 2001 when my
mother saw an advertisement for Fox 29 dance team so she took me down to audition.
I was so nervous and didn’t think I would make it. I saw all these people go ahead
of me and I was amazed at how great they were I didn’t think I could compare to
them. But somehow I had it inside of me, and before I knew it I was in the top
12 beating nearly 300 people out of the spot. I danced with the Fox 29 dance
team for 2 seasons and had such a blast doing it. By the 2nd season
of the dance team I was co-captain and teaching the team dances and helping people
catch up, it was SOOO much fun. We performed at all sorts of events that the
city had including places like the old Veterans Stadium, the Spectrum and in
the 6abc’sThanksgiving Day Parade.
That was such a surreal experience because I use to perform with my high school
The Philadelphia School for the Creative and Performing Arts each year in the parade I chance to perform alongside American Idol winner Ruben Studdard, and Grammy-nominated
gospel artist Vickie Winans, it was a lot of fun and an experience I will cherish
Rye My:
Last year in 2012 you started your own dance classes out of The Performance Arts Center for Kids studios (PACK ) in Philadelphia. What is so
unique about your classes? What can someone expect when coming in
for a session? And who are the lessons catered towards?
Roger Lee: I assist direct at the Performance Arts Center for Kids (PACK) during the day were we offer classes like musical theatre and stuff, and it’s a lot of
fun. The kids are great and I love teaching them new things, and they have a
blast doing it! But at nigh at PACK and on weekends we have adult classes, and those
are my favorite! I offer private lessons and they are just real fun and relaxed
it’s all about the spirit of dance. You can wear whatever you feel comfortable
in. I offer classes for people who want to learn dance professionally or people
who just want to have fun. I’ve taught classes for weddings and people in the party
who have wanted to learn some quick moves, or even people who wanted to learn
some new moves for the clubs and dance floor. I make it as fun as possible, it’s
very social and I make you come out of your shell!
Rye My:
I have read a lot about you, and it seems like your goal is to inspire people
to look at dancing in a different way. What is your mission that you hope to
relay to others through dance?
Roger Lee: My mission is to teach people who think they
never would be able to dance be able to! Anybody can learn to dance no matter
who you are, it just takes the right attitude, and dedication to make it happen.
It’s not easy, but if you’re down for the experience and can get through the
pain and sometimes the hurt to your body, you can achieve anything. It’s not
easy but I always say “If I can learn it anyone can”.
Rye My:
I am a HUGE theater person I sing, act, and love the arts! I have always loved
it! What advice do you have for aspiring artists who are trying to make a name
for them like you have, especially dancers.
RL: Wow! You ask a lot of great questions! Definitely
stay open to the process, in this field there is going to be A LOT of NO’S but don’t
let that discourage you. You can’t let it, otherwise you will never succeed. I faced
a lot of NO’s, some yes’s but a lot of NO’S, but I never stopped believing and
now I am where I am now, if I quit I had I don’t know what I would have done. Never give
As a child what was the best advice you were given that you feel made you so successful
RL: Put yourself out there and know how to market
yourself. That’s what a lot of the teachers in my high school taught me. Every
time we had an event or we were performing somewhere my teachers would always
call the media so we could get exposure. That helped me with my studio, EXTREME
exposure. One of the best times of exposure was when I was featured on an episode
of FYI PHILLY with 6 ABC’s
weathergirl Melissa Magee. She was a great student and I even found out that she
had a background in dance as well. It was such a fun experience and she liked it
to, she has some amazing moves! It was featured on the show and I felt like
that was great because everyone was seeing what I was about.
Your new dance company that you just started has a new show coming up in the
first week of September called “The Fall”. Can you tell us about it, and what
we can expect? Where we can buy tickets, and the address? I plan on attending I
am very excited to see this!
RL: Yeah! So “The Fall” runs from September 6th
through the 8th at the Performance Garage in Philly. It’s located on
1515 Brandywine St Philadelphia, PA. Tickets are $18 online and $20 at the
door. I would definitely purchase them online, but whatever people can do! It’s
a very family friendly show, which is rare for today, so kids, parents, and
grandparents can all come out and see this, which I think is so important. The show
has 4 dances to it, and 2 acts . The first dance is called “Diary of a Dance Company” and this act I feel
is so touching. It’s a piece that shows what goes on inside a dance company and
how the magic is made. Its show the friendships that are formed, the family that
we become, and the bonds that we make for a lifetime. It has a little bit of
everything in it solo numbers, duets, trios, and partners dance. It’s a very
jazzy number. The whole show it itself is very contemporary.
The second dance is the most creative, and that’s called “The
Fall” and for this number I want audience members to interpret this in their
own way because I feel that this is what the number is about. I don’t want to
put a label on it and say “this is what the number conveys” I want you guys to
decide for yourselves. I think that is miraculous, you don’t often see that
today in performances. Its starts with the women first and the music they dance
to is original music from Danny Norwitz who I went to school with. Then the
guys perform, and then we hit intermission. You will be able to buy snacks and apparel. The third dance is a very spiritual and moving dance called The Trinity it has 3
parts to it: praise, faith, and prayer, this number is really going to WOW you!
The fourth dance and final dance is just a fun upbeat number were we will be jamming
hardcore to Justin Timberlake that’s going
to be soooo much fun! And then afterwards there is going to be a talk back and
Q&A with the cast. You can ask them whatever you want! Oh Boy! HAHA! Not
many people have this after a show so I am happy to be doing this! I hope a lot
of people will come see this; I don’t want anyone to miss it!
I saw that you are coming out with an e-book called “Overcoming Dance Fear”.
Can you tell me a little more about the book and the concept of it?
RL: Yes, you can preorder the book now and it will
be available on amazon in October, I can’t wait! (www.rogerleedance.com to preorder now).
The purpose of this book is for people to come out of their shells when
thinking about dance and to look at it differently. There are too many people
afraid to dance and that bothers me, you’d be surprised how many people don’t go
out because they are afraid of dancing and having a good time. It should be a fun
and joyful thing that’s good for you, not something people are afraid of. The book
also goes into stories about success and failure that my students have faced
which are really interesting to read, especially the people who have become successful
and are doing great things! I am so excited for you all to read, I hope
everyone enjoys it and will have a new look at dancing.
was such an honor and privilege to talk with you Roger; I wish you nothing but
bountiful and tremendous success in life! I will definitely be checking in
again soon!
find out more information about Roger Lee and to register for classes visit www.rogerleedance.com you can also
preorder his e-book and buy tickets on the site as well!*
Keep reading and following because I will be covering some of the dress rehearsals and sitting down with some of the cast members of "The Fall on my YouTube Channel!
Rye My
More interviews to come shortly! Keep reading and following!
for questions, comments, or to have me interview someone or cover an event, email me at: thepositivenewsmaker@gmail.com
Thursday, August 22, 2013
First Blog..Introduction
Hey Guys!!
Welcome!! And THANK YOU for checking out my first blog! Let me take a minute to explain what
all this is about and what my goal is! I am currently enrolled in college with an intended major in Broadcast Journalism. My dream is to be an on-air entertainment news anchor for a show like Good Morning America, or TODAY, with the hopes of one day having my own talk show! However, I chose to be different then most people. I want to bring a new side of the news to people, a positive refreshing loo, so I decided to do so. I have created this BLOG, and a YouTube Channel, in which I will be interviewing different people from all walks of life and maybe even some famous ones to. My goal is to highlight what they are doing to make a difference in this world, and how we can help in joining them. Basically just a fun time! I am a one man show, so please understand I just have a camera and tripod (I'm not on an Oprah status yet...HOPEFULLY SOON!). I think this is unique because you will get a raw view of the interview with minor editing. I will post the videos on here, and also do some interviews as well on here to! Thank you soooooo much for reading and stay tuned for my first VLOG from the POSITIVITY PROECT "the new face of news making".
Rye My!
Email: thepositivenewsmaker@gmail.com
and visit www.ryangmyers.com for more info, and to keep
up to date on my theater stuff!!
Welcome!! And THANK YOU for checking out my first blog! Let me take a minute to explain what
all this is about and what my goal is! I am currently enrolled in college with an intended major in Broadcast Journalism. My dream is to be an on-air entertainment news anchor for a show like Good Morning America, or TODAY, with the hopes of one day having my own talk show! However, I chose to be different then most people. I want to bring a new side of the news to people, a positive refreshing loo, so I decided to do so. I have created this BLOG, and a YouTube Channel, in which I will be interviewing different people from all walks of life and maybe even some famous ones to. My goal is to highlight what they are doing to make a difference in this world, and how we can help in joining them. Basically just a fun time! I am a one man show, so please understand I just have a camera and tripod (I'm not on an Oprah status yet...HOPEFULLY SOON!). I think this is unique because you will get a raw view of the interview with minor editing. I will post the videos on here, and also do some interviews as well on here to! Thank you soooooo much for reading and stay tuned for my first VLOG from the POSITIVITY PROECT "the new face of news making".
Rye My!
Email: thepositivenewsmaker@gmail.com
and visit www.ryangmyers.com for more info, and to keep
up to date on my theater stuff!!
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